1. Commitment to International Standards and Regulations

Description: MyKeperluan.OnlinE commits to adhering to international standards and regulations, including, those set by the United Nations regarding human rights, labour
practices, environmental protection, and anti-corruption measures.

Relevant UN Guidelines: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Global Compact.

2. Ethical Business Practices

Description: Upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency in all business dealings.

Relevant UN Guidelines: United Nations Convention Against Corruption.

3. Sustainability & Environment Responsibility

Description: Commitment to environmental sustainability, minimizing environmental impact and promoting responsible practices across all operations.

Relevant UN Guidelines: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,

Goals 12 (Responsible Consumption
and Production) and

Goals 13 (Climate Action)

4. Diversity and Inclusion

Description: Promoting diversity and
ensuring inclusive practices at all levels of the company, prohibiting
discrimination based on race, color,
gender, language, religion, political or
other opinions, national or social origin,
property, birth, or other status.

Relevant UN Guidelines: Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, Articles 1
and 2.

5. Labor Practices

Description: Ensuring fair labor practices, supporting workers' rights to fair and equitable treatment, and safe working conditions.

Relevant UN Guidelines: International Labour Organization (ILO) Declarations, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

6. Data Protection and Privacy
Description: Ensuring the integrity and security of customer and employee data, adhering to global standards for data protection.

Relevant UN Guidelines: United Nations Guidelines for the Regulation of Computerized Personal Data Files.

7. Community Engagement and Development

Description: Engaging with local communities to support development projects and enhance the quality of life in areas where we operate.

Relevant UN Guidelines: United Nations Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals.

8. Compliance and Monitoring

Description: Regular monitoring and compliance audits to ensure adherence to these principles and guidelines, with transparent reporting mechanisms.

Relevant UN Guidelines: United Nations Global Compact, Compliance Guidance.